hi! i'm SamXID, I do animations, drawings and music sometimes. if you want to use my music read this: https://elweyquecomenta.newgrounds.com/news/post/1351540

SamXID @elweyquecomenta

Age 20, Male

certified pendejo

somewhere in México

The moon's bellybutton

Joined on 7/7/18

Exp Points:
11,299 / 11,370
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.38 votes
Audio Scouts
Art Scouts
Police Sergeant
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:


Posted by elweyquecomenta - 2 days ago

i'm not participating this year. i got too much on my plate already and this just sounds like another disappointment waiting to happen. last year i didn't even made it in, even though ironically, i spent more time on that submission than the one before that year.

the older i get the more i realize that life doesn't really rewards efforts in an equal way; just because you spend so much time on something doesn't guarantee it'll be worth the trouble. you are better off doing things that you know will, regardless of public perception, leave you with more than going out and letting other people decide the worth of your work for you.

Are you participating this year? if you are, i wish you the best of luck. take care out there.




I'm sorry to hear you feel that way. But also keep in mind that it may be due to other factors as well. Factors such as the number of people participating, the overall quality of the submissions, how many judges there are, who's running it and what judging sheet they're using etc.

But also, these competitions are among the three biggest on Newgrounds. That means you're competing against some of the best on Newgrounds. Simply making it past the first stage is an achievement on its own. As a judge for AIM, I can tell you that competition is getting fierce as more and more people are joining the competitions.

Seems like this year for NGADM will follow a similar pattern, which will make it a wild ride for us judges. But I'm looking forward to it nonetheless.

If I were you I'd just post something. To enter, all you really need to do is just submit an already-made piece to the submissions. If you make it, hurray! If you don't, then oh well. Doesn't take much effort and it's worth a shot imo :)

eh. don't get me wrong, i don't think it's anyone's fault i don't make it in other than myself's, but to pretend that i will be putting in enough effort to make it in is just foolish and dishonest. i know what good songs sound like. I don't need to be compared to anyone to know where my stuff falls in.
i'm not a musician. i'm just some dude with too much free time and little to no discipline. I'll post something just because you asked, but honestly, i don't even think it'll go anywhere. again, i got enough things to do as is, and i've barely even touched my DAW these days. but i'll do it. just because.