EDIT: I will no longer be supporting or uploading any content related to this game for the foreseeable future. MrDrNose has been exposed for inexcusable behavior and i do not wish to consume anything produced by him anymore.
So i was quite excited about today because it was going to be my first time surviving a bad sun. i've been playing since 6.3 and i had always wondered what it would be like to survive one.
needless to say, it all went quite off the rails.
Let's start by the beginning, or rather, the time before the beginning.
It was a dark stormy night
It was day 28 in game, but in real life, it was the 24th, which meant that it was a day where the sun was going to go bad. i loaded my save file to realize it was around 20:00 on the clock, and thus i had mere minutes to prepare for the day. i quickly scrambled for the things i would need for the day. i dragged out some palettes from the maintenance closet and even bought some new curtains for the occasion. needless to say, i was taking no chances. i looked around and wondered what i had missed. i had brought down some food from upstairs and i planned on sleeping in the break room with a sleeping bag. I made sure to keep my omega kerfus (her name is Kerfussia) on hand so i wouldn't have to go upstairs again. i had left behind my roommate, Jermannequin the wandering mannequin, on the bunk bed where he always slept.
I got downstairs and i ran a quick list on my head. "Food? checked. Kerfus? checked. Transformers?"
that was what i was missing! i needed to make sure i would have enough power remaining, otherwise things might get hairy the next day. Thus, i walked into the server room and typed the designated command — "tr.check", i typed, and it was then that i had quite the surprise: two my transformers were about to go into less than half power! they might have lasted me enough for tomorrow, but with how things were going? i wasn't taking any chances. Thus, despite the mantle of night covering the woods being broken only by the faint glow of the killer yellow wisps, i grabbed my ATV and braved the land to get my transformers on perfect condition.

it was tr_1 and tr_2 which i had to fix. which meant that i was going to be heading to the south-east corner of the map
This was fine, i thought at the time, since the radar indicated that the wisps were wandering ONLY around the north of the map, and thus would leave me alone while i wandered near the Ariral base. But see, the problem is that things never go like you planned them in this game.
I was on my way to tr_1 when i noticed a wisp wandering about. made sense. The wisps are known for moving alarmingly quickly around the map, so this wasn't surprising. "No biggie", i thought. I'll just have to be careful to not run into it. I ran into the transformer and quickly pressed the button. I saw the wisp wandering around, and after waiting for it to go away, i hopped back on my vehicle and sped away en route to tr_2. The travel was rather uneventful, despite the heavy rain and the pressure of knowing i would be unable to save the game soon. It was when i reached the bridge close to Juliette that i noticed THE TWO DAMN WISPS I SAW EARLIER WERE NOW ON THE OTHER SIDE OF BRIDGE!
A saner man would have been horrified, but me? i was mad with rage! to make matters worse, one of the wasps was cutting my way off! I waited for it to disappear in the distance before rolled across the bridge and headed quickly for my destination. I saw a wisp pacing about in the distance, but I paid little mind to it and went to do what i had come to do.

once inside, the button was pressed and the mission completed, but i wasn't out of the woods yet. i still needed to return home before the sun came out, or else i'd be toast. I tried pausing to save, but the new day had started. It was officially day 29, and i was in for a treat. I walked out of the transformer and saw the wasp roaming around. I mounted my bike and decided to return home. i hadn't bothered to target home since i thought it would be a waste of time, but it wasn't until i reached the ENTRANCE GATE (at the far southwest of the map) that i realized just how disoriented i really was. I turned tail, crossed the river again and then quickly hoped into the nearest satellite i could find. I was in india when i walked outside and saw the glove atop of the base in the darkened distance. i wasted no time i returned home, ready to take on the day. i knew what i getting into, but i had no idea how it would all play out.
At home, i waited anxiously for the day to break. i couldn't sleep, but if i had, i would have been woken up by the loud blaring of sirens inside the base. i paced to the console and pushed the mute button. now the day was on and i needed to get to work. I checked the radar and once i saw as the wisps began to die down for the day. once the zone was clear, i would send out my kerfus out to get the hash codes from the satellites. i had precariously prepared the room by covering the windows with the curtains, but i wondered if that would be enough. i had no way of knowing for sure, so i just shrugged and kept working.
And then that signal came in.

I didn't knew what it was at first. i thought it was a face or something of the kind on the signal detector, but it wasn't long before the connection grew stronger and the signal clearer.

That was my base. something was staring at it from space.
Now this ain't my first rodeo and i know better than to freak out pointlessly, so i did what any sane person would do and freaked out internally and productively. I captured the signal in a drive and left it cooking for processing so i could level it up to level 3. Maybe the contents would have an answer to this whole ordeal? I began looking for a new signal and when i found one, i took a step back and thought.
I decided that this was a good time to quickly assess my situation. I was at my base, the day had gone bad, and i didn't knew what to do!
So i did what any sane person would do and decide this was the perfect time to go farm some free food outside.
And by that i mean that i went and stood in the bad sun until my flesh began ripping down from my bones and onto the floor.

I found out that the sun deals about 3 damage per tic, which can add up rather quickly. interestingly, consuming your freshly laid long pig off the floor actually heals for a good amount, on top of recovering your sleep, for some reason. my guess is that Mr. Dr. Nose, the developer of the game, thought it was a good compromise to let you farm energy out of your flesh, since you cannot sleep during the even until it's over, which might spell trouble if you were already running low on sleep to begin with, like i was. in any case, I went back inside and checked what the new signal i had caught had to offer.

That was my window. The only reason i don't appear is because of the curtain i put in front of the main computer.
I was growing anxious. by this point i had already sent out my kerfus to get the hashes and i was left alone to sort this mess out. i shoved it all aside and after fishing for a new signal, i did some quick inventory management and got back on my grind. my meat grind.

I had taken so long grinding away at my own flesh, that my kerfus had finally returned with the hashes in hand.
i put all my meat on a table in the break room and got my kerfus to idle by the hallway. then i got back to checking what the livefeed had to say about me and prayed that a live leak logo wouldn't suddenly appear on the corner of the transmission.

The signal was now transmitting from inside the base. More specifically, from the vent that hangs behind the main computer.
Things were coming to a peak, i could feel it. i fished for yet another signal and kept grinding away at my own flesh, before i accidentally bumped into a fire extinguisher with a box full of clocks and meat that i was planning to sell.

the damn thing shot harder than I did when I found you don't get instantly hacked by CIA for opening any porn website back when i was 13...
In any case, i went back to grinding for meat and began realizing i was building quite a reserve of flesh for myself.

I got back to my computer to check on the new signal and finally pieced together what was going on.

Those aliens bastards were after my rotund, meaty ass! They were trying to sneak in and get a got low shot on me, but couldn't quite get things to work out thanks to technical problems. however, i knew that it was only a matter of time before they figured out how to get a low shot of my butt on full 4k for the whole universe to see.
I was freaking out. i had to do something before those aliens stole my bootie pics! i started devising a plan that would foil theirs. maybe i could rip the curtains off the window and cover my butt? but from where? were they going to start filming under the table? i couldn't tell. my productive internal freak out began leaking out into the world around me...
It was then that I was rudely brought out of my internal freak out by the sound of the server door opening.
i froze.
This was bad.
There was nothing that should have been able to open that thing! i was standing at computers, so nothing could have slipped inside and into that room without having to pass by me first! further more, Kerfus was idling by the hallway last time i checked. i had just seen them from their own camera, for crying out loud. I did the only thing i could and took a glance at the door, expecting the worst.
And there, on the floor, laid the cause of my problems.
Jermannequin was laying on the floor like the shitlog he was.
Somehow the idiot had breached containment from the bottom of the bunk bed and had decided to come see me. perhaps he felt my distress about the aliens trying to leak my butt without my consent? either way, i was no longer alone, since i had this idiot following me around for the rest of the evening.
A small alarm interrupted my thoughts once more. it was the signal processor. the first transmission had been successfully decoded into level 3, and i could finally check out what this was about.

I did not found out what it was all about. the signal was very much not clear about a single thing at all, and if anything, it only helped raise more questions than answers. I shrugged and decided this was a good time as ever to sell more clocks and grind more flesh outside by my garage, when something even stranger than anything that had happened thus far came into light.
i stood outside in the sun and nothing happened. and i do mean nothing. my camera would still be forced to look at the poorly censored sun, but otherwise, i was completely unphased by the bad light. it was as if i had ran out of flesh to bleed, or perhaps i had absorbed too much radiation? who knew. what i did knew was that now my stupid curtains were not even necessary, that i could no longer farm for flesh, and that i was now free to walk in the sun for the remainder of the day. hurray, i thought. one problem solved. now i just needed to figure out how to DMCA the stupid aliens trying to doxx me (for the second time in a row, considering it had been a few days since i had been doxxed by the Arirals as well...)
Anywho, i put my new found resistance to good use.

And by that i mean that i took pics of Jermannequin to use as bargaining chips to trade with the booty-bandid aliens. perhaps we could come to an agreement, or shoot a porno. whatever would get me a piece of that pie. or should i say, that cake?
no, i shouldn't, because it's stupid. Anyways, here's a picture of me bypassing the censorship on the sun like a shitty hentai pic.

I went back inside and began discussing our royalties and trying to contact a good lawyer before getting in contact with the aliens once more, when suddenly, a random loud noise pierced the sky! something had just fallen in the world, and i was determined to ignore it and find out later because i think my butt-related digital rights were more important. and also driving while getting my camera possessed by the fucking sun would have been a pain the (digitally leaked by aliens) ass. By this point, the sun had finally gone down and i had received my achievement.

Sadly, i realized that my computer only received signals, and thus i was unable to get in contact with, well, anyone, really. so i just shrugged and decided to sit back and enjoy my five minutes of fame, when suddenly a message about not looking inside some locker came to my vision. i'm fairly certain i screeshotted it, but i can't find the picture right now.
"what locker?"— i thought to myself, before checking in on the livestream again

"oh. that locker" — i thought, knowing it was definitely a locker inside the base. i felt a bit disappointed by now, since it was clear they were not really after my ass, and most likely, the game would crash the moment i opened the locker or i would get ambushed by some ugly thing and die. either way, i couldn't save the game since i was technically inside an event, and i had not been able to save the game the whole day thanks to the bad sun, so i just shrugged and saved the signal, before going on to search after more signals. i was finally able to save the game by the end of the day, and i carried my man Jermannequin and my beautiful robot wife Kerfussia to my bunk bed, where i might or might not have had a metallic and woody threesome. in any case, i saved the game one last time before laying in bed and having a nightmare, which for some unknown reason crashed the game.
I would upload the pic, but i've ran out of space according to newgrounds. still this was quite the eventful day in voices of the void, and i had a lot of fun messing about while it all went down. it's one of my favorite games ever and i highly recommend you to check it out if you are into the sort of game were nothing happens until something does and then you are shitting your pants about it...
That's all for this edition of my log in VOTV. let me know what you thought about it in the comments and make sure to check the game out if you have the chance. for now, it's time i say bye and go back to playing some more. Merry Christmas and happy holidays!