no mexican holidays smh
no mexican holidays smh
Those are sooo 2 months ago.
But legit you can check out Mexican holidays and others here!
poor lily
some of the puzzles are very out of nowhere, like the one that needs the cod. not a bad game, though
all right, my last review was a little heavy handed, but still. you don't notice the qol stuff in solitaire until it's all gone. sometimes, if you click too quickly, the game won't react properly, and most sinful of all: no worms thus far.
i see the vision, though.
this was alright. i hope to see it expanded in the future
mine's bugged and always says 3 speeches
WOW is this game rough around the edges. i get stuck on every hitbox around the edges in hell. also, the first screens have white borders if you parry in them. the fact that your jumps aren't buffered ("queued") has gotten me hit a bunch of times. The flames in hell have nothing to indicate you can't jump over them, so i keep trying to jump over them out of muscle memory thanks to the first encounter. you can't parry while recovering from a hit, and the fact the bar goes down while you hold your parry EVEN DURING THE START UP ANIMATION WHICH, BY THE WAY, DOES NOT MAKE YOU INVULNERABLE kind of really fucking sucks. the music slaps, as per usual, and is that Claus from mother 3? all around, it's alright.
this game is good. i really like the look of it. i think the monster mechanic is quite cool, if a bit out of nowhere, though it didn't cause any unfair deaths for me, since i was somehow expecting it. good stuff
Edit: i found a sick trick to moonwalk. you just press A then D after going through a door, and you'll hit the forbidden steps. it's cool. i want it as a feature
Edit 3: hell yeah, i got a sub minute run
Homestuck fans when the
anyways, i think it's quite funny that the main menu is more interesting that the TWO games it comes with.
The voice acting for Adrian is still as hammy as it was the first time i played this. it's kind of hard to know where you are meant to click, and the usage of stock images doesn't helps with knowing what's part of the game and what isn't. it's alright, i guess.
hi! i'm SamXID, I do animations, drawings and music sometimes. if you want to use my music read this:
Age 20, Male
certified pendejo
somewhere in México
The moon's bellybutton
Joined on 7/7/18